Who did Alison get pregnant by? (2024)

Who did Alison get pregnant with?

Wren is the father.

In the series finale, it was revealed that Wren is the father — but Emily and Alison don't appear to know that information.

(Video) Pretty Little Liars | Season 7, Episode 14: Alison Tells Emily Her Pregnancy Truth | Freeform

How does Alison get pregnant?

Both males and females initiate mating. When lions mate, the male lion mounts the female and bites her neck to make her passive. After successfully mating, cubs gestate for an average of 110 days. A female can give birth to up to four cubs at one time.

(Video) Pretty Little Liars | Season 7, Episode 10 Clip: I'm Pregnant | Freeform

How is Wren the father of Alison's baby?

She also used his sperm with Emily's eggs to impregnate Alison. So that makes Wren the father of Emily and Alison's babies.

(Video) PLL 7x14 aria figures out about Emily and Alison’s baby
(Mackenzie Jordan)

Who was Alison pregnant with Season 3?

Ladies and gentlemen, the father of PLL's “Emison” baby is… Wren! The big reveal came midway through the finale's second hour, following Spencer's meeting with A.D. — aka her secret British twin Alex Drake! (Yeah, it's complicated.

(Video) Pretty Little Liars - Alison 7x10 Part 2

Did Alison and Ezra sleep together?

The main characters sometimes dated older guys, especially Ali, who also had a fling with Ezra before Aria even knew him.

(Video) Who got Alison pregnant in PLL?
(Ask-Answer w/ Alice)

Did Alison lie about being pregnant?

Alison had a pregnancy scare, she wasn't actually pregnant. But they discovered she wasn't pregnant off of Bethany body since Ali was never killed so she could have been pregnant but the writer retcon Ali sexual relationships with many men.

(Video) Pretty Little Liars 7x20 Alison's and Emily have twins a year latar
(Chloe Minns)

Who are the parents of Alison's baby?

Emily and Alison fell in love after Alison was artificially inseminated by Archer; she was actually carrying babies made with Emily's eggs, and the two got together and eventually got married, raising their twin daughters.

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(Christian Movies)

Who is Alison's biological mother?

Jessica DiLaurentis

Jessica is the biological mother of Alison (her daughter with husband Kenneth) and Jason (her son with Peter) and the adoptive mother of Charlotte, who is biologically her niece. To throw even more Greek tragedy into the mix, it was revealed she was murdered by her own identical twin sister Mary.

(Video) Ali tells Bob and Jillian shes pregnant (season 6)
(Anna P)

Was Alison pregnant when she died?

Was Alison pregnant when she died? Alison had a pregnancy scare, she wasn't actually pregnant. But they discovered she wasn't pregnant off of Bethany body since Ali was never killed so she could have been pregnant but the writer retcon Ali sexual relationships with many men.

(Video) Pretty Little Liars 7x10 - Alison Finds Out She Is Pregnant With Archer Dunhill's Child
(Michael Frazier)

Who is Alison's twin?

Courtney DiLaurentis was the identical twin sister of Alison DiLaurentis. She was also the girl who Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hanna knew as "Ali" and was their best friend. She was actually not mentally insane, Alison just made a plan to make Courtney look like it.

(Video) Is Alison pregnant??????
(Chat Stories)

Is Bethany Alison's twin?

ALISON AND BETHANY ARE TWINS. Bethany is the equivalent of Courtney. In the books, Alison and Courtney are twins, and Alison is jealous of courtney so she pretends to be her and gets her sent to radley.

(Video) Pretty Little Liars - Alison 7x14 Part 3

Why does Ezra want to hurt Alison?

He is mad at Alison for lying to him about her age.

Who did Alison get pregnant by? (2024)

Who got Alison pregnant before she died?

Ezra got Alison Pregnant Before She went missing... and she had the baby | Fandom.

Why did Alison get a divorce?

Alison revealed that the two were having trust issues, but that she was "not giving up" on their marriage. Shay Mitchell, who played Emily Fields, has no plans to appear in the new series, so this was kind of expected. But, fans had hope that their fave couple could work it out somehow.

Did Alison have a miscarriage?

Back Story: In “Private Parts,” Stern describes how badly he and Alison wanted children. But in 1982, six weeks into her first pregnancy, Alison had a miscarriage.

Why did Ezra stalk Alison?

It was revealed in "Free Fall" that he had a brief relationship with Alison DiLaurentis and has been tracking her and The Liars in order to write a "true crime novel" and figure out who 'A' is.

Does Ezra Fitz go to jail?

In the books, Ezra gets arrested after A sends a text to Sean, Aria's boyfriend. In the show, Noel, Aria's then-boyfriend, found out about Ezra and was about to out him but A got to him first.

What did Ezra do to Alison?

The Car Ride With Ezra Fitz

Before he dated Aria, he dated Ali, who was also underage at the time (not OK). After her meeting with Toby, Ali got in Ezra's car, and the two had a fight. He accused her of lying about her age (which she had done), and he subsequently broke up with her.

Why does Alison go to jail?

A's plan was to separate her from her friends and the social hierarchy. Their goal was to break the Liar's trust in Alison. On Thanksgiving, Mona is seemingly murdered before she proved that Alison murdered Bethany. Alison was arrested later for the murders of both Mona Vanderwaal and Bethany Young.

What season does Alison have a baby?

'Pretty Little Liars' Recap: Season 7 Episode 15 — Alison Baby Twist | TVLine.

Who was hiding Alison?

While she is eventually rescued by Mrs. Grunwald (Meg Foster), it was Mona who convinced Ali to hide at the Lost Woods resort, create the alias Vivian Darkbloom, and to leave Rosewood.

Who are Emily and Alison's twin daughters?

Lily DiLaurentis-Fields is the daughter of Emily Fields and Alison DiLaurentis. She is also the twin sister of Grace DiLaurentis-Fields. She was born during the time jump in "'Til Death Do Us Part". She was created with Emily's eggs, Wren's sperm, and carried to term by Alison.

Who took Emily's eggs?

Caption Options. For the casual viewer, this is all very confusing, so let's just make this extra clear: A.D. stole Emily's eggs, had them fertilized, and then implanted them inside Ali without her consent.

Are Alison and Spencer siblings?

It is also revealed that her father had an affair with Jessica DiLaurentis around the time of Spencer's conception, making her the half-sister of Alison and Courtney DiLaurentis.

Who was killed instead of Alison?

Bethany Young was a minor character in Pretty Little Liars television series on Freeform. She is portrayed by Jessica Belkin and Jennifer Cain. She was a 17-year-old Radley Sanitarium patient that was murdered the night of Alison's disappearance.


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